Oral Health Essentials: Dental Crowns

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Gone are the days that the finest of teeth can be relied upon for a lifetime’s worth of pain and suffering. No longer must you live with dying teeth and countless extractions, as dental crowns can protect and conceal teeth that otherwise would falter. In addition, here are some things you should know about dental crowns:

Occasionally, a dental filling must be used to cover a hole in a tooth, but the filling itself would be too large for the damaged tooth. If this happens, dental crowns can be used to cover the filling and tooth to hold both in place. Dental crowns can also be used for other treatments such as root canals, implants, and bridges.

With a dental crown, a small cap or cover is placed atop a tooth to defend from the outside world. Everything above the gum line of the tooth would be much safer and less likely to experience future damage or decay. Even though crowns can break or be knocked loose, they can easily reach a life expectancy of 2 decades, and often times much longer.

Whichever tooth restoration services you feel would best suit your needs, Dr. Clell M. Morris and our team here at Forsyth Dental Center in our dentist office in Forsyth, Georgia are committed to providing you the service you require. We can be reached at 478-994-0440 . A healthy smile is a happy smile!